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*Breaking up with your smartphone is really,really hard.Just ask these people.

注:译自华盛顿邮报 原文
By Ellen McCarthly February 8 at 6:00 AM
由 Ellen McCarthly 于 2 月 8 日 上午 6:00 发表


Maya Oren, 27, at her apartment in Washington, D.C., is deeply concerned about her relationship with her smartphone and what it’s  doing to her life and her brain.(Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post)
Maya Oren,27 岁,我们非常担心她与她的智能手机的关系,以及智能手机对她的生活和大脑产生了怎样的影响。(Evelyn Hockstein/华盛顿邮报)

Maya Oren wants to dial back her dependence on her smartphone. She plans to do it slowly by getting a new phone — a simple one that doesn’t download apps or take photos or send her notifications. Her new device will place calls and receive them.

Maya Oren 想要减少她对智能手机的依赖。她计划使用一部简单的、不能下载软件、不能拍照并且不会给她发送通知的新手机,慢慢达成这个目标。

But the 27-year-old Washington entrepreneur isn’t planning to entirely ditch her iPhone to which she has an increasingly dysfunctional relationship.

但是一名 27 岁的企业家表示她不会完全丢弃她的 iPhone ,尽管她人际关系越来越失调。

“I wake up in the morning and my heart is racing out of my chest,” she says. “I’m checking Instagram. How many new followers did I get? How many people did I lose? What am I going to post today?”

“每个醒来的早晨我的心都要从胸膛里跳出来,” 她说。“我在检查 Instagram 增加了多少名粉丝,丢失了多少名粉丝,今天应该发布一些什么?”

Oren’s new phone won’t have its own number — it will simply accept calls forwarded from her iPhone, so she can attempt, on occasion, to step away from the shiny, buzzing rectangle that has come to feel like an ever-present taskmaster.

Oren 的新手机没有电话号码 — 它只简单的接收 Oren 的 iPhone 转接过去的电话,所以 Oren 有时候可以尝试远离那个闪烁的、嗡嗡响的、似乎一直在线的长方形任务栏。

That’s right – She’s thinking of buying a new phone so she can try to spend less time with her old one.


You got a better idea?


The past few months have brought an escalating awareness of the perils that lurk in our pockets. Or, most of the time, in the viselike grip of our hands. Yogis and pastors across the country have called for digital detoxes.There’s been


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